Here's a picture of my Laundry Room Progress!
I have decided that my life is constantly crazy, but it's never anything that I get to do!! It's always busy making sure everyone else gets to do what they want. I know my time will come and I love watching my kids (and husband) play basketball, baseball, volleyball, etc, etc. I've just been maintaining my cleaning schedule and trying to get things ready to sell the house. Unfortunately I didn't get around to laying the tile in the laundry room. I did get a step closer by removing a huge pile for D.I. (but 2 days later I found out I donated my frame that had our wedding pictures in it) and figured out the center and where the very first tile should go so that the rest will fall into place. I was able to purge out all files that aren't needed (phone bills, banks statements, etc.) and getting ready for tax season ... more like tax return! We got our Vegas hotel booked and have 21 days till we go to Disney! Wahoooooooo!!
Other than that ... same ole-same ole! Richard refereed 8 games yesterday, refereed church ball and played a game on Thurs., Rylan had baseball Tues, Wed, and Fri. I bought stuff for Richard to put strawberry blonde streaks in my hair. Hope to do that today and tomorrow and HOPE HOPE HOPE! to get the laundry room done!! Richard doesn't work on Mon with Martin Luther King Day so maybe we'll be productive. !
Hey Aunt Kim!! So, I finally checked and updated info in our blog so that I could look at your blog! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one losing my head right now. I've done some not-so-smart things lately. Here's one to laugh at, somebody asked me for my phone number at church and without even thinking about it, I wrote 1-800 for my prefix . . . lost, lost, lost. Anyway, I hope you can get your photos back, or that you have the negatives or something, how sad! Good luck with your laundry room, and just out of curiousity, are you going to Disneyland or world? Cuz we just got an invitation to Disney World, too, in a few weeks, maybe we'll see you there, eh?
I'm all hooked up to your blog, so hopefully I will be able to keep more up to date with you guys. For some reason I feel like blogging keeps us all connected. Cute picture of Elly. She is such a cutie! I can't imagine keeping up with everything that you do. Love you guys!
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