Ok, so we've actually had quite a busy last two weeks of school. Of course, I should have known it would be full of activities! I guess I had wishful thinking!
First of all, Morgan had her final performance with her Tiger Talents group. It ended with several afterschool practices and with an assembly for the entire school. It was lots of fun to see, but hard to take Elly, as it was smack dab in the middle of nap time! Oh well ...
It was her last performance and she really enjoyed the opportunity to learn so many songs, dances, and other speaking parts. I know she'll really miss it!
The next event we got to celebrate was kindergarten summer birthdays. They gave the kids a chance to celebrate their birthday on a day in May for those that had their birthdays in the middle of the summer. For the first time in their lives, the twins got to celebrate their very own birthday all by themselves. Addison had her birthday on a Tues in school and Bradly had his on a Wed. They each got to bring snacks to their class. Addi chose Dibs ice cream and Bradly wanted cupcakes with lizards on them. Addison gave out crazy straws. They had a lot of fun and enjoyed passing out the treats and being sung to.

Elly loved coming to the school with me and sitting in the chairs an participating in the class things. We came about 15 min before school got out and they were still cleaning up when we'd arrived. Then they'd all sit on the floor on their assigned letter on the mat and she loved finding a letter to sit on as well. She really loved sitting by Bradly and enjoying some of his birthday treat!
Before Bradly's party, I had to go to the Weber County Fairgrounds. Morgan made it to the District Math Olympiad for the Krypto category. She was very excited about making it, and her and her other team member practiced after school for a few days. Her team consisted of her and 2 other boys. They had to try out for it and compete out of all the other 4th graders at their school (there's 3 classrooms of 4th graders). If you don't know what Krypto is, it's a mathmatical game. your given a certain number of cards and you have to get rid of all the cards in your hand by using each number mathmatically to equal the number that is pulled from the deck. She's definately the champion at our house, so we knew she'd do well in the competition! They are timed and the team that gets krypto the most times in that time wins.
Second place winners!!
Rylan had a baseball tournament for Memorial Weekend. The first day of the tournament was On Friday, but the twins had their kindergarten program on Friday as well. I found out that they were performing it for the school on Thurs. so I went Thurs to watch it. It was so cute! I can't believe my little twinners are going to be 1st graders!!
We got done with games fairly early on Fri, so I took the opportunity to borrow a rotatiller and get the garden ready for planting. Sat. morning I got up early and headed to Wal-mart for plants. We put sunflowers in the back, then 2 rows of corn, some tomato plants, green pepper, jalopenos, and a pumpkin and watermelon plant. We had strawberries come up again and this year we have a lot of berries on them! If I can just keep the birds away!
The kids lost a game, so we were out of the play-offs for Mon. That was a huge relief to me, because Mem Day is the HUGE Saver's sale! Everyone that knows me around here knows that I have no other committments made for Fed. Holidays in UT!! Those are the 50% of Saver's sales. I get clothes for so cheap there and they are darn cute clothes! I took Morgan with me, since she was in need of the most and is the hardest to buy for. She's so tall and skinny!!
That night, we continued our family tradition of getting the fire pit up and ready for the new season! I thought it would be a great chance for my boyscout to use his skills, but unfortnately he failed! I figured there was NO WAY I'd be able to get it started, but alas I came out victorious!! We had a lot of fun and enjoyed roasting hot dogs.
So last week was the last week of school! Thanks heavens ... it's bitter-sweet, but I'll be glad to not have a definate schedule anymore!! I am no longer a day-care provider and will work at Mc Donald's if I am ever that desperate to work again! It was a blessing and got us financially ready to send Richard to Korea, but I am SO GLAD it is done! The day before my last day, the boy I watch was laying on Elayna on the couch with a pillow over her head! He's lucky he didn't seriously hurt her, or I may have seriously hurt him. I'm glad it's done and I will NEVER do that again!
I have taken the plunge to potty-train Elayna. She is willing to go on the potty chair, but I'm not sure if she's connecting the feeling of the urge to pee with running to the chair and doing it. If she sits in front of the tv and watches it, she'll eventually go, but she has yet to catch herself. I'll try to the end of the week and then we'll wait another month before trying it again. I just really want to have it done before the end of summer! We'll see. She's not even 2 1/2 yet, but she's dry when she gets up from naps and doesn't have much in the morning when she gets up.
Finally, I'm posting the most hilarious video that the kids shot today after church. Please excuse the trashed house. It is indeed a day of rest for me and we simply don't clean or pick up on Sundays, but I thought this was too funny and had to add it. Sorry if it takes a long time to download!
Love to you all and enjoy the summer ... it's finally here!