3- Bradly has just started T-ball. He was disapointed when I broke the news to him that he can't have a bat bag until he's 12. Sorry, I don't think T-ball is serious enough to require a bat bag! He's pretty ticked that he's playing T-ball and not "Baseball" but he'll get over it. The biggest affect of his seizures as a baby we've found is the spatial memory loss. He has a lot of anxiety about getting lost and not knowing where I am or where to go. I was pretty concerned that he'd not be able to remember the order to run the bases, etc. but he plays outside a lot with Rylan and has actually done very well with it, however, he doesn't want to play anymore because of his anxiety of not being able to find me after the game. The coach has been very good about heading off his "anxiety attacks" in the middle of games, and I'm learning to sit right in the middle of the very first row of benches and keep waving my arm at him to remind him where I am. I run out to the field the minute the game is over so he doesn't have another "freak out" and hopefully we'll see improvments!
I had a good Mother's day. I bought myself a few shirts the weekend before, and Rylan's coach bought each of us mother's some chocolates. I thought that was very nice of him! I woke up Sund morning to pancakes, eggs, and hot chocolate. Morgan made me breakfast in bed, and then put together a little play. Even Rylan participated! The night before after going through the mail, I accidently recycled the stuff I wanted to keep and put on the counter the stuff I wanted to recycle. In the recycling ended up being a $10 gift card to Kohls. She was so excited to find it and made a card and was proud to present to me a homemade card with a $10 gift card to Kohls. I thought that was cute. The twins had also made stuff from Kindergarten.
We had to have an impromptu funeral last night. Yep! Morgan's lizard of almost 2 months died last night. We had a feeling that it was coming, as it quit eating it's meal worms and started eating rocks and was starting to look skinny. We found it last night stiff and not breathing, so she took it into the backyard and buried it in the garden. Hope the rotatiller doesn't get it next week! She's doing well with the loss and is excited to get a frog now.
Well, that's about it for now! Only 46 more Sacrament meetings left to go through!! The rest seems to be going fast ... that just goes the slowest! LOL
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