Here's a picture of the kids minus Rylan and including the ones I babysit for before they went to school. They look so cute!!
It's been a crazy week for us! Friday night was our Ward's trunk or treat and then we took the kids Treak or Treating. This was the first year since moving here that Richard could join me! It's so much easier having another set of hands! I'm in charge of our Super Saturday here (day of crafts) so I've been running around getting supplies for that. It will be next Saturday. Richard is leaving TDY for Vegas next week (be gone for 2 weeks) so I've got to put the finishing touches on that and put it together without his extra set of hands to help! Rylan should be able to babysit on Saturday.
Next week Rylan will be trying out for a new baseball team on Saturday. It's hard to leave our original baseball team here, but they want to participate in a tournament in New York and we just don't have the extra funds for that. Rylan's best friend's dad is putting together a team that will have some incredible opportunities (2 of the coaches played MLB) and he called to "recruit" Rylan. He promised Rylan 3rd base position and pitcher. It was a hard decision, but we decided to go with this new team and leave our old one. They will be including a membership to a baseball training center, have several clinics (one on the mental aspect of the game, one on running agility, one of hitting, etc), and participate in 5 tournaments. It will be nice for me because the coach lives a few blocks from our house and will be able to take Rylan to practice for me. Try-outs are this Sat and they start practice in Dec. Isn't that crazy?!!! It will be really good for him though.
Well, you know by now that we have orders to Rapid City, South Dakota. We are excited and trying to prioritize options for moving. We have decided to put the house up for sale in April. It could take a year to sell it with this economy!! Other than that... things are going great! November should go fast! Richard will be gone to Vegas, get home for a few days and we go to my parent's house for Thanksgiving until the end of Nov! He'll be heading to Korea faster than we'll be prepared for! Love to all! Kim
Aaron was a Simba for Halloween too! I didn't take any photos though because this year I was on my own for Halloween- Adam went hunting. Brought home a moose though.
I am still terrified of this, I had heard but I had no idea the snow would be like this. I have yet to drive in the snow. I can't believe this weather, and yes the wind can get pretty bad! In fact the likely hood of us having a tonado here, is higher than it was in Wichita Falls!
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